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  • Tags: Civic Center

Architect O'Neil Ford of San Antonio presented a model of the proposed Community Building to be built in Denton's Civic Center to city councilmen following their regular meeting Tuesday. The multi-purpose building's final plans will be ready for the…

Newly built Civic Center
This pergola was designed by O'Neil Ford. Nine Beaumont Mood globe-shaped pottery lamps hang from it.

Perhaps in the 1990s, a blue tile border was added to the edging of the pergola. It is believed to be pool tile and will be removed in order to…

A row of globe-shaped pottery lamps hang under the breezeway in front of the entrance of the Denton Civic Center. They were commissioned by O'Neil Ford.

Wall sconce on west side of the Civic Center
Ceramic light fixtures along the exterior wall of the Denton Civic Center are made from red clay. As they have weathered, they have turned a pinkish-hue. Over the years, some have been broken due to hail or vandalism.

We believe there are…
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